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Training conference to improve professional skills of trade union officials at all levels

On November 8, 2022, Binh Dinh province, the provincial Labor Confederation in collaboration with the Social Development Training Center (SDTC) - Ton Duc Thang University held the opening of a training conference to improve the professional skills of trade union officials in 2022. Attending were 70 trainees who were specialized trade union officials in this province.

(Mr. Nguyen Tat Nam – the reporter of the Social Development Training Center, exchanged with trainees in the morning of November 8, 2022. Photo by H.THU)

Nearly two days, the reporter of the SDTC conveyed the trainees to the following specific subject, which included the method of improving the competitiveness of the Vietnamese Trade Union organization compared with other representative workers’ organizations; Knowledge, experience, and skills to improve the effectiveness of gathering and mobilizing workers in the development of union members, establishing grassroots trade unions in small and medium-sized business in non-state areas; The system of new regulations related to workers and trade unions under the Labor Code 2019; The representative organization of employees in business in accordance with the Labor Code 2019, more details regarding the establishment of this organization in businesses today.

Moreover, the reporter discusses with trainees of the contents and issues of improving dialogue skills at the workplace, signing collective labor agreements, labor dispute settlement process, and the right to negotiate the collective of the employee representative organization at the enterprise.
